Aftercare & maintenance

A natural stone floor will wear in and develop its own patina over time, but it will still require care and attention to keep it looking its best.  Follow this simple guidance to keep your floor looking as good as the day it was laid. 

Regular Cleaning

Vacuum or sweep the floor regularly to remove any dust and grit.  For best practice this should be followed by washing the floor to remove any residual dirt and grease.

We recommend using a specialist natural stone cleaning product which is PH neutral.  Proprietary household cleaners should be avoided as they will erode the protective sealant and increase the porosity of the flooring, thereby reducing its ability to repel spillages and stains.

Intensive Cleaning

Even with regular cleaning it is natural that dust and grime will build up over the years.  We recommend an intensive clean to remove ingrained dirt and grease is carried out every 3-4 years depending on the amount of foot traffic and where the floor is located.  Please contact us for details of our Cleaning and Maintenance Services.


Once installed your floor will be coated with a protective sealant.  Depending on the type of stone, some floors will benefit from re-sealing every 2-3 years.  You will be able to tell when your floor needs re-sealing after washing it.  If the water leaves marks or darkens the stone for a period of time afterwards, this indicates that the stone is absorbing moisture and would therefore benefit from re-sealing.

Please contact us for further advice on maintenance and recommended cleaning products.